sustainability for your startup
Effortlessly offset the environmental impact of the tokens generated by you and your customers. World-class projects and unparalleled transparency.
AI for good
The problem
AI is world-changing technology, but its demand for power is extreme. Each token generated has a carbon footprint. As of 2024, approximately 3% of global emissions come from data centers and AI.
The solution
Every time you input/output a million tokens, we trigger an automatic micro-donation to a leading nature-based carbon project. This donation will offset the equivalent carbon of the tokens' footprint.
How we measure it
We use a model that combines data from leading LLMs, published research, and public grid data on carbon intensity. As tokens are generated more energy-efficiently, the price to offset them goes down.
Beyond carbon
If you wish to go beyond your carbon footprint, and also offset other metrics, like water usage, or land usage, we support this through our portfolio of restoration projects.
Join the waitlist
If you wist to offset your AI, join our waitlist. We're onboarding customers every week through Fall 2024.